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June 16, 2011

~ Lyric ~ 레드애플( LEDApple ) - 니가뭔 (How dare you

Let me hold it down
It's beautiful perfection
LEDapple perfection

나만 또 혼자 되었고
I've been left alone again,

너는 또 웃고 있는걸
but you are smiling again,

뭐야, 뭐야,
Why, Why

이런 뭐같은 경우는 없는거야
There can't be any situation like this.

앞에서 울지않을래
I ain't gonna cry in front

뒤에서 욕도 안할래
Neither will I swear/curse you behind your back.

그래, 그래 어때
Yes, yes. How's this.

너라는 사람을 믿고, 사랑을 했고,
I believed in a person like you, and loved you

모든걸 다줬더니 사라져 내맘을 가지고
I gave everything to you whom disappeared with all my love.
달콤했던 그 입술을 믿지않아.
Not going to trust the sweet lips of yours anymore.

니가 뭔데 날 갖고노는데
How dare you dally with my love

뭔데 날 떠나가는데
how dare you leave me

Too far away too far away

멀리 떠나가
Get away.

니가 떠나 힘들어 할거란 그런 착각하지마.
Don't mistake yourself that I'll miss your presence.

Sorry. I'm sorry. Break it down.

너보단 괜찮아
Feeling better than you

Sorry to say this

니가 나를 떠난게 아니야.
It's not you who left me

그런 착각 하지마.
Don't mistake yourself like that.

Sorry. I'm sorry. Break it down.

뭐라고 말도 못하고, 다시는 보지 말자고
Not saying anything else, but just told me that you'll leave

뭐야, 뭐야
Why, why.

내가 그렇게 우스워 보인거야
Did I look that easy to you.

니 말은 듣지 않을래
Not going to listen to your words,

잘가란 말도 안할래
Neither am I going to say 'good-bye'

그래, 그래 어때
Yes, yes. How's this.

너때매 웃음짓던 내얼굴엔 헛웃음만 가득해
My face that used to have smiles thanks to you now has fake smile.

적당히 부탁해 제발 말없이 가줄래
Please leave without any words and stop begging

웃기지마 니말따윈 듣지않아
Not going to listen to your words anymore.

니가 뭔데 날 갖고노는데
How dare you dally with my love

뭔데 날 떠나가는데
how dare you leave me

Too far away too far away

멀리 떠나가
Get away.

니가 떠나 힘들어 할거란 그런 착각하지마.
Don't mistake yourself that I'll miss your presence.

Sorry. I'm sorry. Break it down.

달콤했던 말들은 모두 사탕발린
The sweet words you told me were just sweet-talk.

널 믿었던 내 모습이 너무나도 한심해
The way I believed in you now looks pathetic.

차라리 편해졌어 그대로 니 갈 길가.
Now I feel better so just walk away like that.

다시는 너를 찾아 갈 일 없을테니까
Because from now on I would never even try to find you.

하나만 알고가 너 혹시 내가 생각나
Just one thing before you go, even though you recall our memories

찾아와 봤자, 그래봤자, 난 너는 없어.
and even though you come back to me, there's no you in my mind.

니가 어딨든, 뭘하고 살든
Wherever you are, Whatever you do

또 다른 사랑해도 상관 안해.
Whoever you love, I'm not going to bother with it.

추억이라도 옛생각하지마
Don't think about our past, even our memories.

다신 내 꿈도 꾸지마
Don't even dream of me anymore.

니가 뭔데 날 갖고노는데
How dare you dally with my love

뭔데 날 떠나가는데
how dare you leave me

Too far away too far away

멀리 떠나가
Get away.

니가 떠나 힘들어 할거란 그런 착각하지마.
Don't mistake yourself that I'll miss your presence.

Sorry. I'm sorry. Break it down.

너보단 괜찮아
Feeling better than you

Sorry to say this

니가 나를 떠난게 아니야.
It's not you who left me

그런 착각 하지마.
Don't mistake yourself like that.

Sorry. I'm sorry. Break it down.

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